The Windows XP Operating System Is About To Become Obsolete

You Need To Read This If You Are Still Using Windows XP

Microsoft have been saying for a while now that they are going to stop support for Windows XP. The time has finally come. As from April 8th 2014 support for Windows XP is over. This means that Microsoft will no longer provide automatic fixes, updates, or online technical assistance. 

Do you remember what you were doing on on the 25th of August 2001? I'm not sure I do but the guys at Microsoft were busy releasing Windows XP. Yes this operating system really is 12 years old. In computer years that's a century!


So why do you care?

Windows Vista is the successor to XP. Vista will still be receiving patches for security vulnerabilities and bugs. The details of which will be public knowledge as soon as Microsoft release the patch details. This will give hackers insight into flaws allowing them to break into Windows XP, and nobody is going to fixthem.


What Is The Solution?

It's time to upgrade your computer, or at least your operating system, preferably to Windows 7. Contact us for details on the options you have available. Don't delay, this is important!